Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

12th Bridge - "Stain" Lyrics


There's something in the rain
That bothers me, but you wanted to be seen
I didn't know what you talked about
'Cause you were nothing but a stain

Well, I didn't mean to mean
But your lack of sense is disturbing
You couldn't get to nailed it
But you just acted like you did

And we just smiled and told you that it was okay
Although we want to kick your ass for what you said

There are some kind of pain
I can handle but not this time, oh please!
I went to punch you in the face
To see if you know what you're saying

Well, now you bathed in shame
And you know that lessons can be hurt
So next time you thought of spoiling
Must try to think before you speak

'Cause we won't smile and tell you that it is okay
Instead we'll punch you in the face like i did
Or kick you in the ass and smack you
You gotta watch for something that you'd say

You are a stain to me
Yeah, you are a stain to me
Just go shut your mouth
Go shut your mouth

Sedikit cerita tentang lagu ini:

Awal menulis lagu ini, gue gak langsung nulis liriknya sekaligus, karena pada saat itu, dan berkali-kali gue mencoba setelahnya, gue selalu gagal nemu lirik yang pas. Barulah sekitar setahun kemudian, akhirnya jadi lirik seperti yang sekarang. Ini pun pada awalnya gue sendiri gak begitu ngerti maksud atau makna dari lirik yang gue tulis sendiri, karena pada saat itu gue seolah desperate dan pengen lagu ini cepet jadi biar bisa langsung rekaman. Jadi lirik yang gue tulis terkesan asal ngepas aja sama jumlah suku kata yang gue sediain dalam 1 bait. Sampe sekarang pun gue gak terlalu yakin sama interpretasi gue sendiri atas liriknya, aneh memang :|

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